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Viral Information Institute 2019 Spring Meeting

Once a semester, the scientists from SDSU's Viral Information Institute (VII) come together from a diverse set of fields to present on their latest research. Scientists studying biology, physics, ecology, and math all come together to share their knowledge about eukaryotic viruses, mathematical models, bacteriophages, and much more.

Student Talks: Undergraduate and graduate students present on their research in a "chalk talk" format.

Despite the distraction of the beautiful San Diego weather outside (and some very loud seagulls), students and faculty members had amazing conversations about everything ranging from science, to the origins of life (is it a DNA or RNA world?), and even how best to consume the cheese platters.

This year we also had guests from Denmark presenting some of their research abroad and promoting cultural/research exchanges between our groups through the Intercontinental Phage Alliance.

Intercontinental Phage Alliance: Prof. Lars Hestbjerg Hansen (Aarhus University) presenting.

Overall, it was a great day for the Roach Lab to interact with other members in the SDSU community and to hear a little more about bacteriophage research abroad!

- Tiffany


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